
Totally Exalting the Anointed Messiah (T.E.A.M.) City Choir is a diverse Christian based choir drawn from the city of Tucson focusing on singing Gospel music.  Our primary focus is music ministry to the city of Tucson through various community and educational events.

T.E.A.M. 2023

T.E.A.M. 2022

Our core tenet is to reflect the diversity of God’s Kingdom.  T.E.A.M. City Choir is a multi-cultural, multi-generational, and multi-denominational gospel music ministry choir that ministers to the community through various events and wherever we get the opportunity to Praise and Worship by Totally Exalting the Anointed Messiah! We will provide Gospel music for the spirit and soul through Praise and Worship to heal and minister to those who seek the heart of God. T.E.A.M. City Choir will reflect God’s diverse Kingdom and will seek to minister to our communities through music – which is a universal language.

Whether you are visiting our site as a future member of our audience, a future supporter, or a future choir member, we welcome you to T.E.A.M. City Choir!